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The Federation of Health Science Library Associations existing-to- develop high standards of Health Science librarianship and library & information services aim to:

Promotion and the improvement in the training of Health Science librarians in India;

Promotion of research in Health Science library operations and activities;

Encourage and motivate Health Science Librarianship to establish high standard of professionalism and thereby felicitation, awards and recognition of intellectual and services to reward in befitting manner;

Improvement in the status and conditions of services of Health Science librarians and library staff;

Affiliation of the state and other Medical/ Health library associations with Federation of Health Science Library Associations and co-operation with international organisations with similar objectives;

Publication of journals, books, etc. which will tend to the realization of the objectives of the Federation;

Providing a common forum to all persons engaged or interested in health science library and information work by holding conferences and meetings for discussion of professional, technical and organisational issues;

Promotion as well as formulation of standards, norms, guidelines, etc. for management of health science library & information systems and services; and

Carrying out all such other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above.

OUR Mission

The FHSLA empowers medical, dental and nursing librarianship in the country;

Catering and caring for practising and neo health practitioners;

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OUR Vision

A vibrant professional attitude and healthy practises;

The FHSLA is empowered individually and collectively librarianship, leadership and stewardship in a high-performing in health information dissemination.

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Act with integrity, honesty and openness;

Maintain relationships of mutual trust and respect;

Treat others – and each other – fairly and equitably;

Remain unified through belief in quality service,

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